Jumat, 31 Oktober 2008

Damn I have been Busy and lonely again

To all my dear friends, i am so sorry coz i have been very busy almost all the time. i just determined to reach my goals. I love freedom. I am rebellious when restricted yet i am very sensitive and easily hurt. I get angry really easily but does not show it. i love making friends but rarely shows it. I know i am stubborn and ambitious trying to realizing my dreams and my hopes. i just love entertainment and leisure but i have no time for it.
The truth is i am romantic on the inside not outside. I will try to learn to show more emotions. so i am very sorry coz you have a friend or a lover like me.
But the truth is i am SINCERE even i am not able to show it.

touringggggggg :)

akhirnya dapat libur PH....huhuhuhu....

plan touring ke bogor-sukabumi-garut-bandung akhirnya jadi juga uhuyyyyyyy.....

rada jenuh.....

ga berasa da 3 thn kerja disini,dr awal begitu begitu aja......ga ada perkembangan,hal yang dibelajari pun cuma sedikit.....linkungan yang ga sehat buat gw...huuh..
da sedikit janji dr bos,tapi ya dan 2 tahun berlalu tetep aja jd kuli panggul....huhuhuhu apa gw yg kurang bersukur kali ya???

baru aja kelar,bikin laporan mingguan...stock opname.....begitu begitu mulu kerjaan...berharap ada sedikit perubahan...

semangaaaaaaaaaaat ndul!!!!!!!!1


baru mulai nih........

mohon bantuanya.....
